Olivenhain Farms
at The Heritage Ranch
What We Offer
Olivenhain Farms runs non-profit educational programs at The Heritage Ranch, home to the San Dieguito Heritage Museum in Encinitas, California. Encinitas has a rich history in homesteading and we are so excited to help bring that part of the past to life for guests visiting The Ranch.
Below are some of our current offerings, but always keep an eye out for special events.

Playtime at the Ranch
Playtime at the Ranch is a small group playtime at The Heritage Ranch. The morning will include meet and greet of the animals, garden activity or craft, story-time, and farm snack. Children may help plant the garden, gather eggs, wash clothes the old fashioned way, and get messy playing in our mud kitchen.
Select Mornings 9:30-11

Field Trips
The Heritage Ranch is jam packed with history and we have field trips that cater to your needs, whether it's a school field trip, a Girl Scout meet-up, or a preschool playtime, let us know what we can set up for you.
These are booked depending on availability. Please send an inquiry to natalie@olivenhainfarms.com.
Click to review pricing.

Birthday Parties or
Special Events at The Ranch
Birthday parties or group gatherings are booked depending on availability. Please send an inquiry to natalie@olivenhainfarms.com
Click to review special event pricing.